Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Looking Put Together at Alice B.

One of the problems I encounter when I am trying to get dressed for the day is what goes with what, from the tops and bottoms to the jewelry and shoes.  Whether we need to get to work, tend to a baby or get our kids off to school (some moms do all three), we have limited time to get ready and fuss over what looks good together at 7 am in the morning.  And when you are out shopping, you cannot always get the most helpful salesperson at a department store, and at discount stores, you are one your own.  I love stores that help you put it all together, and when you can create multiple outfits out of a few items worn different ways, that is the best.

Alice B. in Buffalo Grove, Illinois (check them out on Facebook) helps you put it all together, even down to the shoes.  When I was there last week checking out the pleather, I found some great looks that  are comfortable for moms, reasonably priced, and right on trend.  Check these out:

This look above was my favorite.  I love the cozy sweater.   It has an uneven hem at the bottom, which is really cute.  The bottoms are a legging/tight in gray, and the handbag with the fold over top is very in style.

But that's not all...add these boots to the outfit, and you have a great look.

Alice B. had tons of sizes in the boots, and as I recall, they were under $100.  Who doesn't need a new pair of black boots?  They go with everything.

Okay, if you think I am too enthusiastic about the boots, try pairing them with this outfit:

Camo is a huge trend for fall.  I have seen camo pants everywhere from Forever 21 to local boutiques.

Or pair the boots with this outfit:

This is a comfortable, easy look, with the big pocket.  

I love this outfit below, too.  I have read everywhere that the "menswear" look is really big for fall.  These herringbone pattern pants are a great way to bring that look into your fall wardrobe.

If I did not have an overflowing collection of black boots at home, I would have snagged the boots myself.

One more cute thing I saw at Alice B. is the bracelet below, which would go with any of the aforementioned outfits.

Oh, and by the way, feel free to mix gold and silver.  Mixing metals is no longer a fashion don't.  What a way to top off your fall look!

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