Friday, March 14, 2014

Getting A Little More Personal with Personal Care (Beauty) Products

I have to let my loyal readers know that I had an overwhelming response to my post about fitting into my skinny jeans.  And, to my utter amazement, everyday, I get more and more hits on that post.  I've been told that readers like when I get more personal with my posts.  I'm still trying to figure out what can be interesting about my life as a stay-at-home mom.  I think looking at the fashions and pointing out the trends is a lot more engaging.

But, if a little bit of a personal touch makes the fashion more intriguing and brings me more readers, I will try to be less private about my daily experiences and start spouting off more often about the exciting things that happen during my day:  you know, like the spilled Life cereal on the kitchen floor at breakfast; the great parking spot I found at Target; the two puppy potty training accidents within an hour; the slow moving check out person at the sporting goods store; the homework struggles, turning the house upside down for clean tights for dance class; cleaning out the jeans in my son's closet; forcing myself (unsuccessfully) to get to the gym; the frayed sweater I was not supposed to put in the the dryer; how I ran out of lunch bread; and ending the night with my child's alleged stomach ache right before bedtime.  I will try to get more personal by expounding upon the trials and tribulations of my days, all the while providing a dose of what's fashionable.  All I ask of you is that you spread the word about my blog and share Best Dressed Moms on Facebook.

In keeping with blogging about the mundane experiences in my life, today I treated myself to a mani/pedi, which was actually in preparation for a fashion show fundraiser I am modeling in on Sunday.  Yes, you read it correctly!  The blogger who is shy about posting pictures of herself on her blog (and instead uses hangers and store mannequins) is actually modeling in a fashion show.  And, then, I will be posting photos of my modeling experience on my blog.  That is way out of the box for me!  But I figure, what the heck…it'll be good fodder for a post.  Plus, living life is about branching out of our comfort zones.  That is what I always say about fashion.  On Monday, I will post all about my experience, and you can share that on Facebook too.  So what, if I fall, look at Jennifer Lawrence!

But I digress…the topic today is beautifying ourselves with products, not just fashion.  Although I did see some pretty awesome mint nail polish when I was leaving the salon, what I am blogging about today is facial care products.  It seems to be a hot topic among my friends.  I have had many conversations about skincare products, such as what moisturizers work and which cleansers to use.  Now, I do not profess to be any sort of expert in the area and have probably tried less products than many.  But I can say that I have tried the high end like Sisley and La Mer, and will say about them what's not to love?  But I was looking for a lower priced line that wouldn't eat up my shoe and handbag budget.

I found a line I love called REN, and have had great results with the products.  My skin feels amazingly soft, more hydrated and brightened up.  I feel totally refreshed and rejuvenated after using the product.  But, the best thing, is that it has minimized sun damage that I have noticed appear in the past several years.  I am hoping that if I continue using it, it will help prevent against lines and wrinkles.

I discovered REN through some free samples I received when I bought some other product at Blue Mercury, a great makeup and skincare boutique and spa located in Highland Park, Illinois (and other U.S. locations) that carries the REN product line.

I will let you know that I am not getting paid anything by REN for promoting their products (I would love it if they would).   Blue Mercury did give me a couple of tiny samples, but they are good about that when you shop there (I mean, that's actually how I found REN). This is just another post about something I found that I wanted to share with moms out there who are looking for a great line of beauty care.

My favorite product by REN has been the Radiance Perfection Serum.  After a week of using, this product I noticed results.  This is the product I have used the most.  I have also had a good experience with the Hyrda-Calm Youth Defence Serum.  These are both serums and the impetus for me recommending REM products.  I have not fully used their moisturizers, but so far, I have enjoyed my samples of the Frankincense Revitalizing Night Cream and the Active 7 Radiant Eye Gel.  I have tried their Clearcalm 3 Clarifying Clay Cleanser and liked that too.

If you google REN skincare, you can find the most convenient place to buy their products.  They have a website (where they give you free samples with purchase) at  I love getting feedback on my posts so feel free to comment below or on Facebook if you've tried REN and how your experience has been.

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